It Ends With Me

The Social and Behavior Change Campaign calls for individual and collective commitment to end gender stereotypes that contribute to Violence against Women and Girls (VaWG).

Campaign Details

The theme of the Social and Behavior Change Campaign seeks to address some of the root causes of Violence against Women & Girls (VaWG) by debunking common gender stereotypes in the home, school, community and workplace that contribute to violence against women and girls and are often seen as the “norm”.

The campaign promotes positive norms, calls for individual and collective actions and demonstrate that actions can be taken and are being taken to break these stereotypes at all levels. It challenges individuals, communities, workplaces, policy and decision makers, and families to critically examine some common gender norms that have become deeply entrenched in daily practices and to consider how these norms can contribute to VaWG.

Campaign Focus Areas

Women in Leadership and Decision Making

When women are meaningfully engaged in leadership decisions are more likely to reflect the needs and interests of a broader population, including women and girls.

Workplace Engagement

When workplaces value women and men equally, employers have access to a larger talent pool. When women are meaningfully engaged in leadership decisions are more likely to reflect the needs and interests of a broader population, including women and girls.

School Engagement

Support girls and boys equally to set goals, challenge gender stereotypes and realize their dreams.

Share Responsibilities in Homes and Gender Roles

Families are stronger when both men and women take responsibility for raising children and managing the household. Gender equality leads to healthier, happier relationships; where there is less pressure on the men to be the sole provider and protector, more opportunities for men to be closer to their children.

Strengthening Families, Preventing Gender Based Violence

Through this campaign policy and decision maker’s zero tolerance position on VAWG will be amplified to support norm changes. Policy and decision makers will be engaged in speaking out against VAWG as well as making public commitment to key policy actions for which they will be held accountable.

Campaign Supporters